Do You Have Text Neck?

As more and more teens are using social media, text neck is becoming an increasingly familiar term. Coined for the neck and back pain users gain while staring at a smartphone, the long-term effects of text neck syndrome on growth and development are unknown, but experts agree on the syndrome’s potentially detrimental effects on the spine. Located in Glendale, CA, Dr. Jack Alajajian and his staff offer tips and tricks to alleviate this condition. Here’s everything you need to know about text neck syndrome and how you and your child can practice good habits while using your cell phone. 

What Are the Effects of Text Neck?

Text neck has only been studied in adults so far, but experts believe the phenomenon is more prominent in kids and teens—a tech-savvy group that logs more hours in social media, texting, and screen time than any other generation. The effects of text neck in adults include neck and back pain as well as soreness. Common symptoms also include reduced mobility in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, muscle spasms, shoulder tightness, and pain. This excessive strain on the spine not only ruins good posture but leads to long-term health problems and invasive procedures like spine degeneration and surgery. 


One of the best ways to prevent or at least limit the damaging effects of text neck syndrome is something simple: staying away from your phone! Your Glendale, CA chiropractor and staff advise exercising regularly, going outside, and moving around to prevent the neck and back pain that comes from staring at technological devices for too long. In a world where many are turning to their devices for entertainment, breaking this habit and being active together will serve as an investment for your family’s overall health and wellness.

Take Breaks

With everything online today and virtual school the norm, sometimes it may be inevitable to use a device for long periods. Generally, try to avoid being hunched over your smartphone for multiple hours, but if this is the case, take frequent breaks so your body doesn’t reap the negative effects of text neck. 

Maintain a Neutral Position

While you use your phone, it’s important to stay in a neutral position, which is refraining from a hunched back or moving your face forward towards the screen. Keep your device at eye level instead of bending your neck towards your screen to also be safe during cell phone use.


Alongside breaks, remember to stretch. Take a few minutes to arch your back and neck to relieve any tension and sore muscles before going back to your phone. Arch your back and neck to relieve sore muscles and tensions.

Dr. Jack Alajajian and his staff operate at 815 E Colorado Suite 250, Glendale, CA, 91205. Call 818-246-3600.

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